Parenting Room in Shopping Mall Japan
Posted November 26th, 2011 in Japan 4 Comments »I never paid attention on parenting rooms and babies/children play area in Japan until I had my own baby. Since Hiro was born I appreciated the existence of parenting rooms in shopping centres in Perth. They are clean, convenient, and roomy (most of them).
As I planned a homecoming trip to Japan, I was worried that there may be no such area in shopping malls in Japan. I just didn’t remember seeing one. So I was relieved to see such a clean, big parenting room in a small shopping mall near my house! If a shopping centre in Shiga has like this, I’m sure there’s one as big as this or even bigger one in other prefectures.
Cushiony changing tables.
There is a scale for weight and height!
Sink to wash hand….
Inside breastfeeding area.
And, there’re many strollers for babies in shopping centres as well. Few different kinds – the one attached to a shopping cart, the one with just a baby seat, and the one looks like a ride-on toy.
I love reading your posts from Japan.
Hiro looks so happy there and I’m sure you are too.
I saw some very cute shopping trolleys in a Kanazawa grocery store. There was not much room for the groceries but there was a big seat for a child.
Everything is so much nicer over there!!
People here don’t usually buy lots of grocery at once. Instead, they go shopping almost everyday to buy just tonight’s dinner 🙂
I was buying lots of food as if I was in Perth, and couldn’t fit in the shopping basket :p
Haha, yes!
In Australia I shop everyday on the way home from work to buy what we need for dinner.
In Japan I was trying to buy lots of treats for my host mother and her daughter, but it wouldn’t all fit in the trolley and then it wouldn’t fit into the basket on my bike.
There is so much packaging too, especially with the snack foods. There is one big packet and inside there are six small packets, which does make sense to keep it fresh but it is very bulky.
It was such an experience but I loved it and miss it so much.
I agree with the bulky packaging… it’s kind of waste, I think. 🙁
Things are much smaller here compared to those in Australia! Petit size 🙂