Support Net Niji-no-Kai

Posted July 12th, 2011 in Perth WA | No Comments »

Support Net Niji No Kai is a not-for-profit and non-religion voluntary organization supporting frail aged, handicapped Japanese & other people, and mothers with young children in the Perth metropolitan area.

Niji No Kai did very good job on collecting donation to help people affected by earthquake in Japan.  Their first donation was $23,812.85, sent to Japan Red Cross which was raised at Sunday Market in Karrinyup Shopping Centre in March 20.  The Japanese Association, Perth Express, Nippon Food, Fast Link Cube, Asaka Japanese restaurant in Perth, members at Niji No Kai, and mothers from Japanese play groups across Perth helped raising the money.  The second donation $48,609.00 was made on June 9, sent to Japan Red Cross, which was raised at Friends of Japan campaign on Forrest Place on April 9.

They are still accepting donation to the following bank account until December 2011 :

Bank:Commonwealth Bank
Account Name : Support Net “Niji No Kai” Inc. Disaster Donation
BSB : 066103
Account No. : 10289450

Contact info :0403 530 927 / 0403 530 928

Email: [email protected]


WeCareJapan: Light / Cotton Blanket x 10000 !

Posted July 5th, 2011 in Japan | No Comments »

A volunteer group in To-hoku area, Japan, is seeking for help in order to support the victims in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi prefecture.

With the rise of temperature, people are suffering from a heavy infestation of mosquitoes and flies – Pesticide, Mosquito Coils, Insect Sprayers are urgently required.

Light / Cotton blankets x 10000 are also required ; The light blankets are required for people in evacuation centres, temporary housing and people staying at their own houses. They have enough warm/wool blankets but they are too hot for summer.

If anyone is interested in sending blankets for those people, please pack them in a box and send to the address below:

東京都港区赤坂7-4-7 Chez Ireneビル2階


Chez Irene Building 2F
7-4-7 Akasaka, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, JAPAN  〒107-0052
“Rescue Japan”
Taki Ideguchi
phone# 080-3343-8806

They said that there’s no specific rule for the items: e.x. the blankets can be used ones, but I’d recommend to send new ones…  If the box is more likely to be bigger than a normal sized cardboard box, you’d better sending it to their warehouse rather than their office.  Please contact Taki-san at ” [email protected]

Socks for Japan

Posted July 2nd, 2011 in Japan | 4 Comments »

One of Umeboss viewer gave me a link to this website and I just wanted to show it here… (thanks Achan!!)

This website shows a way you could help Japan, directly and meaningfully.  Many of the survivors ended up barefoot after fleeing in a hurry.  Socks aren’t primary support, but a token of care that will last beyond their small mid-crisis comfort.

They have stopped accepting the donation already, thanks to the people outside Japan who have participated in this.  Still, there should be other ways to get involved in volunteering without actually going there.  Any info are welcome…

Bra Recycle

Posted September 1st, 2010 in Ume's Interests | 2 Comments »

Bra has been a fashionable item across the world –  there are many cute looking bras in different shapes and different colours.  But, what can you do with your old bras when you are not wearing them?

Did you know that bras are actually the most highly sought after item for women in developing countries?  They are technically difficult to make in the developing world, therefore bras are valuable to women in those area.

There have been campaign for bra recycling in the past by Wacol or Oxfarm, but in the months of September and October, Berlei is setting up bra recycling bins in Myer stores Australia wide to give you the opportunity to help deserving women have access to a basic necessity.

If you have any unused bras at home, simply donate them at the  Berlei Recycle bins in Myer.  You will be helping to reduce landfill and create jobs in developing nations.  And, for every 10 bras recycled, $1 will be donated to BCNA (Breast Cancer Network Australia).


RSPCA イベント -South Perth-

Posted April 7th, 2009 in にほんご | No Comments »

Million Paws Walk 2009というRSPCAの基金支援の為のイベントが、来たる5月17日(日)にSouth Perthで行われます!

これはオーストラリア全ての州(ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA) にて同日に一斉に行われます。WA州では去年は13, 000人もの人がこのイベントに参加してくれました。RSPCAは今年は15,000人の協力を目指しています。



また、このイベントに事前に登録しておくと、新車Hyundai i30 SXが当たる可能性もアリです☆


場所:Sir James Mitchell Park – South Perth 



Swan Animal Fete!

Posted March 31st, 2009 in にほんご, Ume's Interests | No Comments »

Are you free this Sunday 5th April 2009??  If you live around Perth and would like to help cute doggies, why not attend this annual garage sale at Swan Animal Haven?

This dog home is located at 21 Kalamunda Road, South Guildford in Western Australia.  Donations of cakes, jams, plants and bric-a-brac would be much appreciated.

For more info, visit their website. 🙂

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

South GuildfordにあるSwan Animal Havenというアニマル施設で、今週の日曜日4月5日にガレッジセールが行われます。



Cat Power! -Pet Rescue-

Posted January 22nd, 2009 in Ume's Interests | No Comments »

It’s a “dog’s life” in Australia, with many people considering themselves ‘dog people’ and events and outings everywhere for dog lovers. Each day in the media happy dog stories take pride of place – we simply love our canine pals.

But I think 2009 should be the year of the cat.  Cats in Australia get a bum deal; often lumped in with ‘feral pests’ in legislation and maligned by their communities for simply being homeless orphans.  Cats really need an image makeover!  And that begins with thinking about the cats of Australia in the same way we think about dogs – great family pets and worthy of our protection!

Did you know in the UK cats are a favourite companion amongst young singles? That’s because cats thrive in apartments and are a great pet for people who work during the day.

I think many people know these websites below (click the photo) :  they make me realize how cute kittens are!

And cute photos…

kiva – Loans That Change Lives

Posted December 23rd, 2008 in Ume's Interests | 2 Comments »


I’ve always wanted to do some volunteer work since I was little.  It started when my elementary school teacher showed a video to us in a class:  the video was about kids in Ethiopia.  The reality in other countries shocked me.  As a Japanese, I could eat anything at anytime since I was a baby, and I thought it was normal thing.  Apparently it wasn’t.  In other countries they have no food to eat and many people die everyday.  Kids can’t go to school to learn.  They don’t have any facility to do anything.  Is there anything I can do to such people?

I tried to find out what I could do, but there was no actual chance for me to go to the country and help them out.  School, work…  I didn’t even have that amount of money anyway.  Then, I found this website- kiva

Kiva is the world’s first person-to-person micro-lending website, empowering individuals to lend directly to unique entrepreneurs in the developing world.  You can choose someone to lend to from this website, and then make a loan. Help a real person make great strides towards economic independence and improve life for themselves, their family, and their community.  It is a loan, so of course you will get your money back after the period, or if you wish you can re-lend to someone else in need.

There are many interesting businesses, Grocery Store in Afghanistan, Beauty Salon in the Dominican Republic, Taxi driver in Lebanon etc…  I made a loan to a restaurant owner in Peru.  You can choose the amount to lend in increments of US$25.00 up to the total amount they are requesting.


Posted December 3rd, 2008 in Ume's Interests | No Comments »


Every pet deserves a home for xmas, so we’re asking you to help us find

1000 homes for 1000 pets!

More Details

The Dog’s Refuge Home

Posted April 23rd, 2008 in にほんご | No Comments »

The Dog’s Refuge Home

住所:30 Lemnos St, Shenton Park, Western Australia

時間:open 6 days per week between the hours of 11am and 4pm.

         Closed Thursdays and Public Holidays

電話番号: 08 9381 8166



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Animal Protection Society

Posted April 22nd, 2008 in にほんご | No Comments »

Animal Protection Society 

住所:27 Talbot Road, Southern River Western Australia 6110

時間:till 4pm

電話番号:08 9398 6616

Eメール:[email protected] 



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