Full Moon
Posted August 20th, 2008 in Food 3 Comments »
I see a full moon in the sky lately. In Japan, we traditionally enjoy “Otsukimi”(moon viewing) on the night of the full moon in autumn. We make offerings to the moon of autumn fruits and vegetables, odango(rice dumplings) and susuki(Japanese pampas grass).
However I have never experienced this traditional ceremony. I just know about this from my grand parents’ story and old books. I don’t know when people in Japan stopped enjoying Otsukimi…
What comes to my mind when I see a full moon is, actually, MacDonald’s burger:p In this Otsukimi season, MacDonald’s in Japan used to sell Otsukimi burger. The burger contains egg, and the yolk looks like a full moon. That’s the reason why it’s called Otsukimi burger.
I liked the burger, I don’t know if MacDonald’s still sells them though. Next time when I go back to Japan in autumn, and if I can get Otsukimi burger then, I would like to enjoy moon viewing with the burger in my hands! 🙂
Is it too late to comment on this old post?
>I don’t know if MacDonald’s still sells them though…
Yes. Every year at Autumn-time, they still have this campaign at マック (McDonald’s) in Japan.
Tokyo 5 san
No, it’s not too late at all.
They still do the campaign! Have you ever eaten this Otsukimi burger??
Yes, I’ve had the お月見バーガー…