Things Lately

Posted March 21st, 2011 in Ume's Thought 2 Comments »

Things have been little depressing lately… The news about Japan, a tiny argument with in-law, and staying in the house for the most of the time, etc.  We do go out, just to the park nearby and grocery shopping. Even if it’s just a 10 minutes shopping, we need to plan the trip beforehand – check the diaper, feeding,etc. We are still not used to going out for long hour.

I’ve been taking lots of photos of Hiro, and posted some of them to my mum.  I hope it’ll arrive soon!  I can’t believe a stamp for an envelop to Japan is now $2.20.  It used to be $1.30 just few months ago.  Is a stamp within Australia still 55 cent?

After hearing about the extra pumps being added to help cooling down the nuclear heat, I hope things are getting better over there.  I’ve started to plan our trip to Japan (too soon?) already 🙂  First, Hiro needs to get Japanese passport – … well, I haven’t had time to go to Japanese consulate to register his birth yet, but after it’s done, it shouldn’t take time…  It’ll be about 1.5 years since my last homecoming.  To think about it, it’s not really a long time.  But I feel like I’m dying to eat Japanese food there!  (Autumn food!)

After having Hiro, I realised I can eat almost any food now.  Soft scrambled egg, smoked salmon, camanbart cheese…  During pregnancy I had craving for sushi (although sushi is not really my favorite food), so I recently headed to Nishi Japanese restaurant in Myaree to have nigiri-zushi.  I ordered assorted sushi medium – which contains 10 pieces of nigiri-zushi + few pieces of hosomaki (thin rolled sushi).  … Ummmm, it made me realise how much I miss going back to Japan!  The dish was around $22.00…  in Japan, you can get the same amount of nigiri-zushi from a convenience store for around 680 yen.  Yes, I will be very happy with sushi from convenience stores.

Oh, and, my friend brought me some takikomi-dohan (seasoned rice).  She thought I was having trouble cooking 🙂  Thanks E&K, it was really nice.  Japanese food is the best!

2 Comments on “Things Lately”

  1. 1 Anna said at 10:36 am on March 21st, 2011:

    Hi Ume
    Stay strong – it does take a while to get used to not having the same type of freedom and independence you had before Hiro-chan’s arrival.

    Life is never really a smooth ride is it? I know and understand how you feel. Some days I get so tired (having to juggle a fulltime job and then take care of baby when i get home, plus do hsework when baby sleeps in the evening/night) and I feel so frustrated. My in-law’s here (on a tourist visa) to help take care of baby during the day when hubby and I work but on weekends she wants to go out with her relatives here in Perth and she’s not happy if hubby & i have to duck out to the shops without baby (e.g. to the bank even) to run some quick errands. It is also not easy communicating with her even though she stays with us – she has weird mood swings. One moment she is happy, one moment she has a ‘black/glum face’ that made hubby and I wonder if we’d done/said something wrong (and we know we haven’t!). It is tough and sometimes I’m close to tears. Oops.. i think I’ve said too much here in a ‘public space’.

    ANYWAYwhenever I hold little Isabelle in my arms I only focus on her and enjoy holding her, kissing her, playing with her, etc. 🙂
    Be strong now Ume – all the plannings, every day activities will get easier as you get more familiar with them. 🙂

  2. 2 umepontarou said at 10:57 am on March 22nd, 2011:

    Hi Anna,

    Ummm I understand your feeling too! Besides, you work full-time… it must be very stressful to you sometimes.

    Many people say looking after a baby is hard work, and it is true! But, I sure don’t want to be stressed in front of him and want to cuddle him and play with him as much as I can – with a big smile 🙂
    Thanks for cheering me up 😀

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