Laundry and Japanese Cake

Posted January 11th, 2009 in Food, Perth WA 2 Comments »

Today, I finally had a chance to finish off the laundries from my 24 days trip.  This one week has been pretty busy; back to work, sorting up the souvenirs, cleaning the house, catching up with friends, talking to my family on the phone…

I turned on the washing machine 3 times today and all the clothes are dry and clean now:)  That’s the thing that I like about summer in Perth, it rarely rains and no moisture in the air (very dry).  Even jeans or thick winter jackets get dried in 10~20 mins!  

While I was finishing up the laundry, those clothes reminded me of cold, snowing days in Japan.  It seems like the trip was ages ago as it’s very hot summer here and my brain can’t imagine that I was in the winter just few weeks before.

Thinking about Japan, suddenly I felt like eating some Japanese.  Something that I can recall my memory in Japan.  Then, I started making some Maccha (Japanese green tea) mini cakes.  

<Maccha Mini Cakes>

Same recipe as Blueberry Cupcakes , just change the blueberry to Maccha powder 🙂

The bitterness of Maccha was perfect to me.  Enjoyed with yuzu orange condiment.  After that I called my house to chat with family 🙂

2 Comments on “Laundry and Japanese Cake”

  1. 1 Yutsuki said at 8:45 am on January 12th, 2009:

    yeah, I feel same..the day we met in Osaka is like a year ago!
    It is freezing cold in Japan now.
    I hate cold weather(>_<)can’t get laundry everyday,
    don’t wanna go out…just stay home and get in kotatsu^^;
    so, I think you should enjoy the summer!
    By the way, the mini cake looks very cute!!
    They seem to say “eat me! eat me!” to me^^

  2. 2 umepontarou said at 12:46 pm on January 12th, 2009:

    I love the fact that this weather makes washing very easy, but I still miss winter :p
    Obviously we are different!
    I know you love summer, you are “summer girl” 🙂
    On the other hand, I love winter (my BD is winter too)
    It’s so surprising that these different two girls (us) have actually lots in common 🙂

    The mini cakes were pretty delicious 🙂

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