Food Allergy Test

Posted November 11th, 2011 in Ume and Baby, Ume's Interests 1 Comment »

As I continue to introduce new food to my 8-month-old Hiro, I’ve been careful with acidic food (e.g. strawberries, tomatoes and citrus fruits) and some food that are more likely to be allergen (e.g. egg, cow’smilk) because of his rush on his face and body, but I feel that I’ve been feeding him the same food over and over again and need to explore more variety of food for him to try.  I don’t think his rash is because of food, but it may be and his skin/body may be very sensitive against some particular things.

My friend told me that I could check if he is allergic to food, and in that case, to what food, by sending his hair to a labo in QLD.  Hair test sounds much much safer than blood test – little amount of hair wouldn’t harm at all. (although he doesn’t have much hair :p )  I phoned the labo and found out some information about what I need to do in order to get him tested for food allergy.

Basically you just need to cut little amount of hair from your baby, and place it in a piece of tissue paper or plastic bag (it doesn’t matter) and send to the labo. Along with hair, you will need the followings:

  • Baby’s name
  • Baby’s birthday
  • Your name & address (to send the result)
  • $95.00 (by cheque, money order, or details of credit card)

Because I’m in WA, it may take around 2 weeks to get the result (considering the time to send the stuff).  The staff told me that as soon as they receive the hair they’ll put it to the next available labo and test it with 200’s of different foods.

For more information, here is their contact details:

Health Management Therapies
36 Marbella Drive
QLD 4217



One Comment on “Food Allergy Test”

  1. 1 jssmith said at 1:31 pm on December 8th, 2011:

    To have an allergy means for the person concerned, that he has to avoid the material, that triggers the allergic reaction. Even though the substances normally don’t harm anybody, the imunsystem overreacts – causing asthma, hay fever or neurodermitis. The only way to be be relieved is to stay away from the allergy producing substances. There are hardly any possibilities for therapy. It is possible to ease the symptoms, but the source of chronic sickness stays. It is not possible to become free from the disease. Now the internet page shows ways how to have a happier life.

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