Addicted to Coffee

Posted August 28th, 2011 in Food 5 Comments »

I’ve been drinking lots of coffee… again. I love coffee, and always had at least one cup a day – since I was a teenager. It may be because of my dad. He loves coffee too, and drinks few cups a day. He goes to a cafe very often, and if he can’t got o a cafe, he gets a can of black coffee from a vending machine which is in front of my house. Vending machines can be found everywhere in Japan, so he is always in the environment where he can get coffee easily.
Oh, he makes instant coffee by himself at home too, sometimes. But I don’t remember seeing him drinking instant coffee as much as seeing him drinking a can if black coffee

I love black coffee (I mentioned about this long time ago on this blog). No sugar nor milk. I love drinking black coffee in the morning, after each meal, with some sweet, and before bed time.

Strangely my passion for coffee stopped while I was pregnant with Hiro. I could drink decaf if I wanted, but I didn’t even want to smell coffee. I was surprised about it because I remember how much I loved the smell of coffee every time I walked pass a cafe.

Now, however, I’m addicted to coffee again.  Just want to say it’s decaf coffee I drink now… because I’m still breastfeeding.  It’s strange, isn’t it? Usually, people can’t stop drinking coffee because they need caffeine fix, or are addicted to it. Decaf coffee doesn’t contain caffeine, but I can’t stop drinking it. Caffeine is not the thing my body is after? Maybe I just like black colored water? :p

Ummm, It will be hard in Japan because they don’t have “decaf” coffee at normal cafes or available from vending machines. They sell only standard coffee with caffeine. I guess I can drink a cup a day, or get non-caffeine coffee or tea from special shops.  I want to try “tampopo (dandelion) coffee” – this is non caffeine drink made from roots of dandelion.  It’s called “coffee”, but it’s not made from coffee beans.  Pregnant women, breastfeeding mums, and people who are into healthy stuff drink this, and I’m curious how it tastes like.  I’m looking at photos on google, but it really looks like coffee.

Talking about coffee – it’s only 6am but I already had a cup of black… with pancakes.

Eating sweets like this makes me long for hot black coffee.  To me, black coffee is the best accompaniment to sweets!


5 Comments on “Addicted to Coffee”

  1. 1 moko said at 11:08 pm on August 31st, 2011:

    Hi ume-san, hajimemashite! First time to comment on your blog. I’m also a japanese and live in Malaysia with a Malaysian husband and a baby. I came across your website when I was searching for ‘cupcake’ recipes. Your website is very interesting with lots of pictures!

    By the way, I also love to drink coffee! I have 8 month old daughter and am also breastfeeding, but when she became 3 to 4 months old I started drinking coffee again. Now I sometimes drink 3 cups a day so I felt guilty reading your blog… ^^; you are so disciplined ne! Anyway, even so I also didn’t feel like drinking coffee at all when I was pregnant. My mother bought me ‘tampopo’ coffee from Japan. I didn’t really know much about it so I was very surprised to taste absolutely no coffee in it when I first had it! Hard to explain but it tasted just sweet something, haha… (I wrote about it in my blog.) but then after a while I got used to it and liked it in the end.
    Sorry my comment became long-. I will visit your website again!

  2. 2 umepontarou said at 8:23 am on September 1st, 2011:

    Hi Moko san

    Thanks for reading Umeboss 😀
    You live in Malaysia! Have you been there for a long time?I love Malaysian food!!

    You said you couldn’t believe there is no caffeine in Tampopo coffee, does it mean it tasted like coffee? I’m curious and may wanna try it out when I go to Japan.

    Thanks for the link :). Your blog looks interesting too!

  3. 3 moko said at 11:12 pm on August 31st, 2011:

    Just in case… I was talking about my blog in my comment but the one I linked was my English blog that I only recently started. I also have a japanese blog… I’ll link that one too in case you’re interested in. hehe… Tks!

  4. 4 Moko said at 1:49 am on September 4th, 2011:

    Hi ume san! I thought I replied to you but it didn’t go through ne? Anyway, about Tampopo coffee it didn’t taste like coffee at all. If I were to say, it tasted like hmm… ‘kokutou drink’ kana~. haha. but it tasted good after I got used to it! I hope you get to try someday in Japan!

  5. 5 umepontarou said at 8:45 am on September 4th, 2011:

    Hi Moko san

    Kokutou-drink?! So it must taste sweet… hmmm I will try it out 😀 Thank you!

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