Lemon Tree

Posted October 30th, 2008 in Food 4 Comments »

In Perth people grow lots of trees in their garden.  Lemon, orange, mandarin, avocado, chili, etc…  Gardening is very very popular here.

I get to see many lemon trees around.  In my friends’ houses, in a park and in my neighbor’s yard…   I’ve never seen people actually raising it from a seed though… it must take years and years to grow.

I don’t have lemon tree in my garden, but my neighbor has.  The tree grows lots of fruits and one branch is growing towards my garden, so I sometimes pick them and use for cooking :p  I don’t think the neighbor can eat all…

The lemons I picked last week tasted very sweet:)  Not as sweet as melons or banana, of course, but I could just eat them like fruits!  I think the hot weather made them very sweet 🙂

Last night I used this lemon to make an accompaniment for steak.  The tangy citrus flavor was very refreshing and went well with beef 🙂

< Tomato Salsa with Avocado and Lemon Zest >

Chop up tomato (concace) and avocado.  Zest the lemon.  Add little amount of olive oil and mix them up  gently.  Crack black pepper over the plate and enjoy♪

4 Comments on “Lemon Tree”

  1. 1 Yutsuki said at 10:56 am on October 31st, 2008:

    I’ve never had such a sweet lemon!
    actually I like its very sour and tangy flavor, but I wanna try sweet one too!
    your idea for using it is excellent…I wanna u to teach me cooking(^_^)
    I really wish if I could spend a couple of days with you when you come back~

  2. 2 umepontarou said at 11:51 am on October 31st, 2008:

    Hi Yutsuki 🙂
    I think lemon should be sour :p
    I just had to give it a bite when I cut the lemon… looked so juicy (>x<) Then it was sweet!
    I hope to stay with you and eat bagels everyday!

  3. 3 Mark said at 5:58 pm on November 4th, 2008:

    eat them like fruits? I don’t believe you. You should make lemonade, you know, like in winter it protects you from colds.

  4. 4 umepontarou said at 6:18 am on November 5th, 2008:

    Hi Mark
    No, really you can eat just like that!
    Or maybe I’m strange ..? :p
    They weren’t sour, rather sweet. Yeah they’ve got lots of vitamins so good for skin too 🙂

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