Friends and Kids

Posted May 25th, 2011 in Perth WA 3 Comments »

Hmmm..  my friends, who are not married or don’t have kids, stopped contacting me since I gave birth to Hiro!  I know they think I might be busy taking care of baby and won’t have time to go out or even answer the phone, but I actually do.  I do go out because I get bored if I stay home all day.  I do have my own time as D works at home and loves taking care of Hiro.  We sometimes even fight who feeds him with expressed milk.

I emailed/sms/called them saying “let’s meet up”, but then I realised I’m the person who always asks for a meet up – even before I had Hiro.   Doesn’t anyone want to see me?  … ok, I know it sounds bit crazy – clearly I was having a negative thought.  I even emailed mum asking “do you still remember me?”.   :p

Just to take the stress off, I visited my friend who recently moved into a new house.  She has two girls – 12 years old and 7 years old – and is working as a teacher assistant in Perth.  She also has studied baking here and we used to work at a bakery in Claremont together : that’s how I met her.

Homemade cake and freshly brewed flat white. 🙂

As she used to work as a kindergarden teacher in Shinjuku, Tokyo for 10 years before migrating to Perth, she knows a lot about babies/kids.  And, I knew I could get some advice on parenting (as I still don’t have much idea of it).

She gave me some Japanese books about baby’s food and health to read at home, and talking to her gave me a clearer idea of having and raising kids in Perth.  I didn’t know that kindergarden here is only for 1 year!  And, there is pre-elementary school?

In Japan, kindergarden is for kids between 3 and 5 years old.  Then, 6 years of elementary school followed by 3 years of junior high and 3 years of high school.  Here, 1 year of kindergarden (not compulsory), 1 year of pre-elementaly school, then 7 years of elementary school.  I see, I see…  I’m really glad I could talk to her about these stuff.   I can’t imagine Hiro going to school yet (how he is going to look like??), but it’s never too early for me to plan and prepare for what’s going on in future. 🙂

3 Comments on “Friends and Kids”

  1. 1 Anna said at 9:01 am on May 25th, 2011:

    Ume I think we live quite closeby. I’m guessing since you used to go to Hung Wei (now called Million Supermarket)? Happy to meet up one day if you’re up for it! 🙂

  2. 2 Megan said at 10:21 am on May 25th, 2011:

    Hi Ume!
    There are so many differences between Japan schooling and Australian schooling. In Japan, I think everything is much more structured and orderly.
    I love those traditional school bags (randoseru) the little children carry on their backs. It would be so cute for Hiro to have one, but he most probably won’t want one, living here.
    The everyday way of describing the progression through school here in Australia is:
    One year of kindy
    One year of pre-primary
    Seven years of primary school
    Five years of high school.
    But, yes, it is a little bit early for Hiro to worry about school!

  3. 3 umepontarou said at 11:04 pm on May 25th, 2011:

    Thanks Megan! 😀
    I didn’t know there’s actually no “junior high school”. I thought it’s different from high school (as junor high school and high school are totally different school in Japan).

    I remember carrying a red randoseru to an elementary school everyday… 🙂

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