
Posted May 20th, 2009 in Japan, Ume's Interests 2 Comments »

In Japan you get to see lots of people wearing masks everywhere, such as in a train, supermarkets and on the street.  My friend who visited Japan last spring told me that he was kind of scared when he saw many people crossing the road with white masks…  To imagine the scene, yes it’s scary actually :p  

The big reason for that is because many people in Japan have hay fever and try to avoid the pollen as much as they can by wearing masks.  For other, they just have cold or want to avoid inhaling some dust…

Now, swine flu is getting serious around Osaka area, and some of the schools around Kansai are closed.  I’m from Shiga, and I was telling my family “don’t go to Osaka, Kyoto area!” but seems that there’s one person who is suffering from swine flu in Shiga (Otsu) already!  

Now, because of the flu, masks are selling like hot cakes.  Lots of shops are out of stock…  even sold out masks!  Mask has the biggest demand in Japan right now!

I don’t usually wear mask even in Japan (because I don’t have hay fever), but if I go back to Japan right now I’ll be wearing mask everyday everywhere!

2 Comments on “Mask!”

  1. 1 Tokyo Five said at 7:54 pm on May 24th, 2009:

    I’ve lived in Tokyo for over 18 years so far, and still have never worn a mask.

    The 新型インフルエンザ is in the Tokyo area now…but I still don’t wear a mask.

    I don’t like them.

  2. 2 umepontarou said at 9:19 am on May 25th, 2009:

    Tokyo 5
    Haha, me too. Do you feel weird about many people wearing masks in Japan?
    I hope you won’t get flu! 🙂

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